SCH Number 2022120356

Project Info

The Development at Dale Evans and Lafayette
The project proposes to develop a 1,207,544 square foot warehouse distribution center on a 77± acre parcel of land in north Apple Valley. The project site is bounded by Lafayette Street to the north, Dachshund Avenue to the east, Burbank Avenue to the south, and Dale Evans Parkway to the west. The project site is within the boundary of the North Apple Valley Industrial Specific Plan (NAVISP). The project site is subject to the standards and restrictions codified in the NAVISP. Under the NAVISP, the project site is designated as Industrial – Specific Plan (SPI). Manufacturing facilities, regional warehousing facilities, and support services are all land-uses that are appropriate for the SPI designation. The project will require a Site Plan Review application approval.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Town of Apple Valley The Development at Dale Evans and Lafayette (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS- SBR-43848-R6)
Town of Apple Valley The Development at Dale Evans and Lafayette
Town of Apple Valley The Development at Dale Evans and Lafayette
Town of Apple Valley The Development at Dale Evans and Lafayette