SCH Number 2022120058

Project Info

Parkline Project
The Parkline Project would redevelop SRI International’s existing 63.2-acre research campus adjacent to city hall and near Menlo Park’s downtown and Caltrain station (Project Site). The Project would include a new office/research and development (R&D) campus with no increase in office/R&D square footage; up to 550 new dwelling units at a range of affordability levels (comprised of 450 units and a proposed land dedication to an affordable housing developer that could accommodate up to 100 affordable units); new bicycle and pedestrian connections; approximately 26.4 acres of the Project Site to be available as open space; removal of approximately 708 existing trees, including 198 heritage trees, and planting of approximately 873 new trees; and decommissioning of a 6 megawatt natural gas cogeneration energy plant. In total, the Project would result in approximately 1,768,802 square feet of mixed-use development, with approximately 1.38 million total square feet of office/R&D uses and approximately 675,200 sf of residential uses. Project would demolish 35 of 38 existing SRI buildings, excluding Buildings P, S, and T. The EIR also includes a description and evaluation of a variant of the Proposed Project, called the “Increased Development Variant” (Project Variant). The Project Variant is a variation of the Proposed Project at the same Project Site (although the Project Site would be slightly expanded to include 201 Ravenswood Avenue). The Project Variant would include up to 250 additional residential units (800 units total) and a 2- to 3-million gallon emergency water reservoir that would be buried below grade in the northeast area of the Project Site, in addition to a small pump station, an emergency well, and related improvements that would be built at grade (i.e., emergency generator, disinfection system, surge tank).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Menlo Park Parkline Project
City of Menlo Park Parkline Master Plan Project