SCH Number 2022090465

Project Info

Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Project
The proposed project entails the replacement of the City of Gridley's existing main wastewater sewer pipe, which crosses under the Feather River. The project will require three exploratory borings within the Feather river, One boring on each side fo the river and microtunneling tot install a new sewer pipeline.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Gridley Minor Alteration No. WA2023035 Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Geotechnical Investigation
City of Gridley Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing, Geotechnical Investigation (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. BUT-43934-R2
City of Gridley Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Project
City of Gridley Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Geotechnical Investigation Project
City of Gridley Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Project
City of Gridley Gridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Project