SCH Number 2022080702

Project Info

Sunset Avenue Apartments
Multifamily residential development involving 130 apartments on an 8.71-acre site. The apartments will be sited within 26 two-to-three story buildings and include 90 two-bedroom units and 40 three-bedroom units. Additionally, the project will include a single-story leasing office, recreational amenities, parking, landscaping, and associated site improvements. Approximately 2.82-acres of the project site (APN: 0037-060-480) will require City Council approval of an Annexation into Fairfield City limits and a Zone Change from Residential, Low Medium Density (RLM) District to Residential, Medium Density (RM) District.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fairfield Arrive Fairfield Workforce Housing Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMSSOL-31772-R3)
City of Fairfield Sunset Avenue Apartments