SCH Number 2022080248

Project Info

Poplar 18 Project
The Project would include construction of an industrial warehouse building and associated improvements on 17.87 acres of vacant land. The proposed project would provide 414,700 square feet of industrial/warehouse space and include associated improvements, such as loading docks, tractor-trailer stalls, passenger vehicle parking spaces, stormwater detention basins, and landscape area. Office space within the building would be distributed among four individual office spaces in each of the corners of the building. At this time, the project applicant does not an1icipate leasing any portion of the buildings to a tenant that would require refrigerated space. The Project would include off-site improvements along Mesa Linda Street, Lassen Street, and Poplar Street, including frontage landscaping and pedestrian improvements. A variety of trees, shrubs, plants, and land covers would be planted within the Project frontage's landscape setback area, as well as within the landscape areas found around the proposed industrial/warehouse buildings and throughout the Project site. Off-site improvements include possible lateral connections for utilities and other roadway and pedestrian improvements (e.g., road repaving or installation of sidewalks along building frontages).
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2023-008-06 (ITP))
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-SBR-36972-R6)
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2081-2022- 080-06 (ITP))
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 Project
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 Project
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 Project
City of Hesperia Poplar 18 Project