SCH Number 2022060724

Project Info

State Route 121 Tulucay Creek Bridge Replacement Project
The Tulucay Creek Bridge Replacement Project is located along State Route 121/ Soscol Avenue, at Post Mile 6.4-6.5 in Napa, California. The purpose of the Project is to restore the structural integrity of the Tulucay Creek Bridge to provide safe continued use by the traveling public. The Project proposes to replace the existing two-span, concrete Tulucay Creek Bridge (Bridge 21-0003) with a single-span, precast, pre-stressed, concrete box bridge. The existing bridge is 45 feet long and 77 feet wide and has four 12-foot lanes (two in each direction), two 6-foot outside shoulders (one in each direction), and a 9-foot median. Two build alternatives are being considered: Alternative 2 proposes a new bridge 77 feet long, 100 feet wide, including the bridge rails and would have four 12-foot lanes (two in each direction), two 8-foot shoulders, two 10-foot sidewalks, and a 14 foot median. Alternative 3 would be the same as Alternative 2 except the bridge would be 96 feet wide and the southbound sidewalk would be 6 feet wide as opposed to 10 feet. One of the potential consequences of the Project would be the potential adverse effect to an archaeological site due to the proposed excavation and construction of the Project's new abutments, utility relocation, and drainage.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) State Route 121 Tulucay Creek Bridge Replacement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) State Route 121 Tulucay Creek Bridge Replacement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) State Route 121 Tulucay Creek Bridge Replacement Project