SCH Number 2022040512

Project Info

East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
The proposed East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan (ESGVAP or Project) is a community-based plan to enhance, guide, and support the long-term growth, development, and maintenance of 24 unincorporated communities in the East San Gabriel Valley (ESGV) planning area. The Project is an extension of the Los Angeles County General Plan that focuses on the unique characteristics and needs of local communities. The ESGVAP consists of 6 elements (Land Use Element, Economic Development Element, Community Character and Design Element, Natural Resources and Conservation Element, Mobility Element, Parks and Recreation Element) and 15 community specific chapters. The ESGVAP has both area-wide goals, policies, and implementation actions and community-specific goals, policies, and implementation actions. The Project includes changes to land use and zoning designations to accommodate growth near major transit stops and corridors, implement the housing element, and bring zoning, land use policy and existing use into consistency, which in turn requires changes to zoning and land use maps. The Project also includes an ordinance with new area wide standards as well as update to existing standards.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan