SCH Number 2022020194

Project Info

Richards Ranch Annexation Project
The project includes the pre-zoning and annexation of four parcels located in the unincorporated Santa Barbara County into the Santa Maria City limits. The project area consists of four parcels located in Santa Barbara County to the northeast and southeast of the intersection of State Route (SR-) 135 and Union Valley Parkway. These parcels, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 107-250-019, 107-250-020, 107-250-021, and 107-250-022, are within the City of Santa Maria Sphere of Influence (SOI) and adjacent to the southeastern limits of the city of Santa Maria and total approximately 44 acres.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Maria Richards Ranch Annexation Project
City of Santa Maria Richards Ranch Annexation Project
City of Santa Maria Richards Ranch Annexation Project – Partial Recirculation of DEIR
City of Santa Maria Richards Ranch Annexation (AN2021-0001)
City of Santa Maria Richards Ranch Annexation Project