SCH Number 2022020106

Project Info

Town of Moraga Comprehensive Advanced Planning Initiative
The scope of the environmental analysis encompasses three main components: the Housing Element Update and the rezoning of specific urbanized parts of Moraga, rezoning of the Bollinger Canyon Study Area, and amendments to the General Plan. The project represents the community’s view of its future and contains the goals and polices upon which the Town Council and Planning Commission will base their future land use and resource decisions. The Initiative will identify how the Town anticipates meeting its RHNA and will reflect changes in the community, new issues and opportunities as identified from community input, changes in State law, and new trends.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Moraga Town of Moraga Comprehensive Advanced Planning Initiative Phase Two
City of Moraga Town of Moraga Comprehensive Advanced Planning Initiative
City of Moraga Town of Moraga Comprehensive Advanced Planning Initiative
City of Moraga Town of Moraga Comprehensive Advanced Planning Initiative
City of Moraga Town of Moraga Comprehensive Advanced Planning Initiative