SCH Number 2022010311
Project Info
- Title
- South Mokelumne River Setback Levee Project
- Description
- Portions of the New Hope Tract levee system, along the South Mokelumne River, are below the Delta Specific PL 84-99 Standard, which requires 1.5 feet of freeboard above the 100-year flood elevation, waterside slopes at a minimum of 2:1 and landside slopes at a minimum of 3:1. The purpose of the South Mokelumne River Setback Levee Project is to rehabilitate 3 levee sections, totaling 4,350 LF, and to create waterside habitat. Landside work includes constructing setback levees to the Delta Specific PL 84-99 Standard. Aggregate base material will be placed on the setback levee crown to create an all-weather roadway. Waterside work includes excavation of the existing levee above Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) to construct a habitat bench. The habitat benches and setback levee waterside slopes will be planted with native species. Plantings will be monitored and maintained for 3 years to ensure success criteria is met.
3 documents in project