SCH Number 2021120651

Project Info

Big Bear High School Football and Track Stadium Project
The proposed Big Bear High School Football and Track Stadium Project consists of development of a football and track stadium within a ~7-acre site designated for Public Facility (PF) use by the San Bernardino Countywide Plan on the northwest corner of Maple Lane and Baldwin Lane in the Unincorporated Community of Sugarloaf. The project consists of one parcel with the following Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN): 0312-311-20. The project would be installed within the previously occupied Chautauqua High School, and proposes to demolish the existing structures on site, and develop the site as a continuation of the Big Bear High School athletic fields with a new football and track stadium to serve the High School and District athletics. On the western edge of the site, the project proposes to install a home team grandstand with a 750± seating capacity. On the eastern edge of the site, the project proposes to install a visiting team grandstand with a 250 ± seating capacity. The project proposes to install field lighting illuminating to 50 footcandles on either side of the home and visiting team grandstands, with lighting directed towards the fields, shielded to the greatest extent possible from the nearby residential community to the south of the project site. At the southern end of the site toward Baldwin Lane, the project proposes to install a north facing scoreboard. The proposed project will be accessible via new driveways at Baldwin Lane and Maple Lane, which connect to a parking lot that provides entrance/exit at either access point. The parking provided at the site will be limited to handicapped (ADA) parking, and a designated drop-off zone, with the remainder of the required parking for the Stadium already provided at the existing High School to the north of the project site.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Bear Valley Unified School District (BVUSD) Addendum No. 1 to adopted IS/MND prepared for the Bear Valley Unified School District Big Bear High School Football and Track Stadium
Bear Valley Unified School District (BVUSD) Big Bear High School Football and Track Stadium Project
Bear Valley Unified School District (BVUSD) Big Bear High School Football and Track Stadium Project