SCH Number 2021110408

Project Info

City of Manhattan Beach 6th Cycle Housing Element Update IS/ND
The project being proposed is the 2021-2029 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update (HEU), a Citywide policy document that conceptualizes how the City of Manhattan Beach (City) will provide the capacity to accommodate 774 housing units (487 lower-income, 155 moderate income, and 132 above moderate-income), as assigned by the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for the upcoming eight-year planning cycle, as well as a buffer of at least 15% of the lower-income allocation (approximately 73 units) as recommended by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to ensure sufficient capacity exists to accommodate the RHNA throughout the planning period and comply with the provisions of Senate Bill 166 (2017). Under existing conditions, the City has the capacity to accommodate 85 lower-income units, 166 moderate-income units, and 133 above-moderate income units. The lower-income RHNA is not met through this current capacity, as there is a shortfall of 402 units that the City will accommodate through the proposed Program 2, Adequate Sites, of the HEU. Through the implementation of Program 2, the City will establish an overlay district that encompasses a minimum of 20.1 acres of sites in the General Commercial (CG) and Planned Development (PD) Districts to accommodate the remaining lower-income RHNA. The overlay district will create the opportunity for at least 402 units of housing appropriate to accommodate lower-income households. Separately from Program 2, the HEU also accounts for the future rezoning of an additional 3.65 acres of sites to accommodate the 73-unit buffer. As such, the project conceptualizes new capacity for 475 (402 + 73) housing units. Additionally, the HEU includes programs that support the existing and future residents of the City, including identification of potential sites for future rezoning efforts. No development is currently proposed under the HEU. The HEU would replace the current 2013-2021 (5th Cycle) Housing Element via an amendment to the City’s General Plan.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Manhattan Beach City of Manhattan Beach General Plan Amendment: 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
City of Manhattan Beach City of Manhattan Beach 6th Cycle Housing Element Update IS/ND