SCH Number 2021070304

Project Info

Victoria Boulevard Apartments
The project involves the demolition of the existing Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) bus yard and development of a three- to five-story, 349-unit apartment complex with an attached six-story (seven-level) parking structure and associated amenities in accordance with the proposed Victoria Boulevard Specific Plan (Specific Plan). The project would provide both public and private open space, ornamental landscaping, utility infrastructure, and public right-of-way improvements. The project is required to obtain various permits and approvals from the City, including: General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan, Tentative Parcel Map, Local Coastal Program Amendment, Coastal Development Permit, Site Development Permit, Development Agreement, Site Plan Review, Encroachment Permit, and applicable grading and building permits. In addition, the following permits/approvals may be required of other agencies: Surplus Land Act compliance from the Capistrano Unified School District; Local Coastal Plan Amendment from the California Coastal Commission; Encroachment Permit from the California Department of Transportation; NPDES Construction General Permit from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board; Construction Permit from the South Coast Air Quality Management District; Voluntary Cleanup Agreement from the Department of Toxic Substances Control; and UST Removal/Remediation and Monitoring Well Destruction Permit from the Orange County Health Care Agency.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Dana Point Victoria Boulevard Apartments
City of Dana Point Victoria Boulevard Apartments
City of Dana Point Victoria Boulevard Apartments
City of Dana Point Victoria Boulevard Apartments
City of Dana Point Victoria Boulevard Apartments