SCH Number 2021070173

Project Info

South Laguna Fuel Modification Project
The City of Laguna Beach Fire Department proposes to conduct vegetation removal in FMZ 20 and FMZ 21 (project site) to reduce fire hazards in South Laguna. Fuel modification would provide a defensible space adjacent to homes and commercial development to enhance residents’ ability to evacuate and survive a severe fire event. All fuel modification activities would be conducted in accordance with the approved Treatment Protocols for Fuel Modification Zones Subject to Coastal Development Permitting (Treatment Protocol) prepared by the Laguna Beach Fire Department. Hand crews would reduce or clear vegetation load in 100-foot wide sections within these FMZs to reduce the risk of wildfire threat to residential and public structures. The majority of perennial root systems would remain, and native vegetation waste would be mulched and left on-site to minimize erosion. Non-native vegetation waste would be transported to a green waste recycling facility or landfill if not recyclable. Exclusion areas within both FMZs would be established to avoid disturbance of known cultural resources and sensitive biological resources, specifically big-leaved crownbeard and Coulter's Matilija poppy.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Laguna Beach South Laguna Fuel Modification Project
City of Laguna Beach South Laguna Fuel Modification Project
City of Laguna Beach South Laguna Fuel Modification Project