SCH Number 2021070024

Project Info

Final IS/MND: Water Reliability Transmission and Distribution Improvement - Conn Creek Water Line Project
The Final IS/MND has been updated to include a response to comments section in Appendix G. Two comment letters were received during the public review and comment period. Copies of these comments and the City's responses are included in Appendix G. Text clarifications and modifications made in response to the comments received are identified in Appendix G and reflected in the Final IS/MND. No new or more significant impacts were identified during the public review period. No new mitigation measures are included in the Final IS/MND. The project would upgrade an underground segment of the existing North Bay Aqueduct (NBA) pipeline that crosses the Conn Creek floodway. Approximately 100 linear feet of the underground NBA pipeline alignment is proposed to be relocated to an elevated position on the new Conn Creek Bridge, which was replaced by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in 2020. In addition, the project includes replacement of up to 3,000 linear feet of 12-inch-diameter underground pipeline with new 16-inch-diameter underground pipeline in the same location parallel to and along the south side of Silverado Trail, which is a two-lane public roadway and a portion of which is also Highway 128. The project is one of three projects identified in the City’s grant application for Water Reliability Transmission Distribution Improvement projects. Grant funding was awarded in 2018 under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Calistoga Final IS/MND: Water Reliability Transmission and Distribution Improvement - Conn Creek Water Line Project
City of Calistoga Notice of Determination
City of Calistoga Water Reliability Transmission and Ditribution Improvement - Conn Creek Water Line Project