SCH Number 2021050548

Project Info

1235 Vine Street Project
The 1235 Vine Street Project proposes the development of an eight-story, mixed use commercial building on the 0.9 acre Project Site, including areas to be merged. The Project would include the development of 109,190 square feet of office uses and 7,960 square feet of ground-floor restaurant and/or retail space. The proposed uses would be located within a single eight-story building with a maximum height of 101 feet, and would include parking within four subterranean levels and two above-grade levels. The Project would include excavations to a depth of 45 feet and approximately 57,675 cubic yards of export would be hauled from the Project Site. To accommodate the Project, three commercial buildings and five single-family residences totaling 26,484 square feet, along with associated surface parking, would be demolished. Upon completion, the Project would result in 117,150 square feet of floor area with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 3:1.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 1235 Vine Street
City of Los Angeles 1235 Vine Street Project