SCH Number 2021050392

Project Info

Thousand Palms Canyon Road Widening
The County of Riverside (County) proposes to widen and resurface Thousand Palms Canyon Road from Ramon Road/Washington Street to Dillon Road (approximately 4.71 miles). The project scope includes pavement widening and resurfacing, constructing pavement transitions, constructing pavement safety measures, installing rumble strips, widening paved shoulders, grading dirt shoulders and dirt berms, installing and removing signs, applying traffic striping and thermoplastic pavement markings, and adding a Class II bike lane. New pavement width will be 34 feet wide, with two 12-foot through lanes and 5-foot paved shoulders, for most portions of the project.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Riverside County Thousand Palms Canyon Road Widening Project
Riverside County Thousand Palms Canyon Road Widening
Riverside County Thousand Palms Canyon Road Widening