SCH Number 2021050342

Project Info

Conditional Use Permit NO. 21-01 (Central Valley Meat Company)
A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 1528 was approved by the Kings County Planning Commission on February 5, 1990, which authorized the subject property to be used as a beef boning and slaughtering operation by Central Valley Meat Company (CVMC). Currently, CVMC has a slaughter capacity of 2,000 head per day. This capacity will not change after this project is complete. Byproducts are currently delivered to Baker Commodities in Kerman, California. There are a significant number of dairies along with feed lots within Kings, Tulare, Kern, and Fresno counties. There are times, when an existing rendering facility goes down for a maintenance issue or there is an excessive heat wave (increases animal mortality), conditions occur that there is insufficient rendering capacity, and an emergency condition needs to be declared by the local counties. Special provisions to dispose of these animals must be declared by appropriate agencies and then all dairies and feed lots must be informed as to the proper protocols to be followed until the emergency is lifted. By having another rendering facility available, more redundancy and stability would be available, and issuing emergency protocols could potentially be reduced or eliminated. CVMC has sought to both vertically integrate its processes on the Kings County site and increase the amount of value-added products it can offer utilizing its raw rendering materials generated on-site. The nature of the proposed operation will consist of an enclosed meat rendering facility, a new pet food facility, along with support facilities at the existing CVMC facility. The proposed meat rendering facility is intended to primarily service the needs of two existing beef processing plants (CVMC and Harris Ranch Beef Company) as well as the expanded processing capacity at CVMC which is also being proposed as part of this project application. Additionally, the rendering plant will be designed and constructed to accept other regional beef suppliers. CVMC currently has 1,025 regular employees and 13 USDA inspectors. Phase 1 will add up to 65 additional employees and Phase 2 will add up to 125 additional employees for a total of 1,228 employees. Currently CVMC has 672 parking spaces on site. With Phase 1 the project will add 461 parking spaces and Phase 2 will add 125 spaces for a total of 1,258 parking spaces. Project Description CVMC’s CUP No. 21-01, proposes the following in two (2) phases: • Phase 1 o Construction of a 46,298 square foot (sf) rendering plant, designed to process 10,497,450 pounds of raw material per week and produce 2,055,339 pounds of tallow and 2,983,294 pounds of meat and bone meal. Raw material will be from byproducts of 2,000 head per day from CVMC and 2,500 head per day from Harris Ranch Beef Company and other west coast packers. o Construction of a 106,755 sf Livestock Canopy over existing cattle holding pens. o Expansion of existing cooler facility by 4,687 sf to provide better chilling of carcass beef. o Construction of scale house and guard shacks accessory structures. o Construction of a 28,080-sf hide building to process 3,000 hides per day. o Construction of a 20,000-sf pet food facility to produce 100,000 pounds of pet treats per day. o Construction of a 5,600-sf truck wash building. o Removal and construction of paving for automobile and truck parking and circulation purposes. Impermeable surfaces will increase by approximately 1,868,000 square feet. o Construction of drainage retention pond to handle approximately 20 acre-feet (af) of rainfall runoff, excavated to a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). o Construction of two brine evaporation ponds for wastewater treatment, sized to store approximately 1.0 MG each, excavated to 6 feet bgs. o The new facilities will generate approximately 150,000 gallons per day on average of wastewater and will be discharged to the LAA. CVMC will not commence waste discharge from the newly constructed facilities until it complies with California Water Code (CWC) Section 13264. o Construction of a non-retail fueling station with five (5) fueling positions serving red (not for highway use) diesel (7,000 gallons), B20 biodiesel (12,000 gallons), and diesel exhaust fluid (3,000 gallons), all stored in aboveground tanks. o Construction of a new access drive to both phases of development from Hanford-Armona Road to the south. Existing access from Third Street will be maintained. o Phase 1 will add up to 65 additional employees and will add 461 parking spaces. o Installation of an electric power substation facility consisting of substation transformers, switches, metering and a power control building. The facility will be fed from Utility power transmission lines. The location of this connection and transmission line extension will be per the Utility. The power substation facility is required to provide adequate electrical power supply to the facility for full build out. o • Phase 2 o Construction of a two-story, 103,482 sf process expansion building to consolidate production capacity of ground beef, portion control, and other bulk and case ready items from facilities in Selma and Los Angeles. The raw material for this process will come from CVMC, Harris Ranch Beef Company and other mid-western meatpackers. This expansion does not require additional slaughter capacity at CVMC. o Construction of a new approximately 187,000 sf freezer/cooler building. o Phase 2 will add up to 125 additional employees and Phase 2 will add 125 parking spaces. o Installation of an electric power substation facility consisting of substation transformers, switches, metering and a power control building. The facility will be fed from Utility power transmission lines. The location of this connection and transmission line extension will be per the Utility. The power substation facility is required to provide adequate electrical power supply to the facility for full build out.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kings County Conditional Use Permit 21-01, ATC Project C-1241009
Kings County Conditional Use Permit NO. 21-01 (Central Valley Meat Company)
Kings County Conditional Use Permit NO. 21-01 (Central Valley Meat Company)
Kings County Conditional Use Permit NO. 21-01 (Central Valley Meat Company)