SCH Number 2021040273

Project Info

Paradise Irrigation District Water System Recovery and Reservoir B Replacement Project
Paradise Irrigation District operates a water treatment plant and the accompanying distribution system for Paradise, California. The Camp Fire on November 8, 2018, caused significant damage to Paradise Irrigation District’s potable water storage and distribution system infrastructure. Prior to the Camp Fire, the distribution system supplied potable water to 10,507 connections serving a population of approximately 26,000. Approximately 1,500 structures survived the fire and the post-fire estimate of customer connections as of December 2020 is 2,936 connections. The project would replace key components of the water storage and distribution system to serve the connections in the rebuilt community. The project would consist of Reservoir B replacement, Almond Street main replacement, service lateral replacement, meter replacement, and main replacement and repair.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Paradise Irrigation District Paradise Irrigation District Water System Recovery and Reservoir B Replacement Project
Paradise Irrigation District Paradise Irrigation District Water System Recovery and Reservoir B Replacement Project
Paradise Irrigation District Paradise Irrigation District Water System Recovery and Reservoir B Replacement Project
Paradise Irrigation District Paradise Irrigation District Water System Recovery and Reservoir B Replacement Project