SCH Number 2021030520

Project Info

Dog Bar Road Bridge Replacement Project
The Dog Bar Road Bridge over Bear River carries two-way traffic on a one-lane bridge connecting Nevada and Placer Counties. The narrow bridge with a curb-to-curb roadway width of 13 feet and 8 inches does not meet standards for bridge cross sections. The sharp turns at each end of the bridge roadway have also resulted in impacts to the existing bridge railing. The removal of the existing bridge and replacement with a new, broadened curve radius that extends slightly upstream was found to be the most responsive solution. The existing bridge, which is not eligible for the National Register of Historical Places, will be removed and a new, two-lane, cast-in-place prestressed concrete box girder bridge will be constructed. The existing bridge will be utilized until the new bridge is complete.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Nevada County Dog Bar Road Bridge Replacement Project (Incidental Take Permit No. 2081- 2023-014-02)
Nevada County Dog Bar Road Bridge Replacement (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMSNEV-30780-R2)
Nevada County Dog Bar Road Bridge Replacement Project
Nevada County Permit No. 19693 – Dog Bar Bridge Replacement Project
Nevada County Dog Bar Road Bridge Replacement Project
Nevada County Dog Bar Road Bridge Replacement Project