SCH Number 2021020499

Project Info

Date Palm Drive Bicycle Lane and Sidewalk Improvements Project
The City of Cathedral City proposes to widen the easterly portion of Date Palm Drive between Highway 111 and Perez Road. The Proposed Project is intended to eliminate gaps in the City's bicycle route network and allow non-motorized users to be separated from motorized users, making the roadway a safer place to travel. The project alignment includes two segments, the first from East Palm Canyon Drive (Highway 111) to Buddy Rogers Avenue and second from Buddy Rogers Avenue to Perez Road. The first segment includes three travel lanes in each direction separated by a striped/raised median with sidewalks and bicycle lanes in both directions. The second segment includes three travel lanes in each direction separated by a striped median with sidewalks in both directions, and a bicycle lane in the northbound direction. The project would add a third northbound through lane, bicycle lane, and sidewalk per the City of Cathedral City General Plan’s Arterial Highway 126-foot road section. The existing bridge over the North Cathedral Canyon Flood Control Channel (State Br. No. 56C0195) would consequently need to be widened by approximately 11 feet. The bridge was constructed with cast-in-place, reinforced concrete “T” beam girders. The bridge consists of two spans separated by 22 feet and supported on two reinforced concrete seated abutments. The bridge length is approximately 47 feet. All of the proposed improvements will be within the City right-of-way (ROW). Project construction would begin in 2022 with a duration of approximately 9 months.
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City of Cathedral City Date Palm Drive Bicycle Lane and Sidewalk Improvements Project
City of Cathedral City Date Palm Drive Bicycle Lane and Sidewalk Improvements Project
City of Cathedral City Date Palm Drive Bicycle Lane and Sidewalk Improvements Project