SCH Number 2021020280
Project Info
- Title
- Mountain View Industrial Project Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Description
- The project would construct two industrial (warehouse) buildings with office space, parking, a public trail, and associated site improvements, on a currently undeveloped 22.5-acre site. Building 1 would comprise 305,440 square feet and Building 2 would comprise 115,497 square feet of gross building area. The total gross building area would be 420,937 square feet, with a ground floor building area of 412,137 square feet. The parcel would remain under a single ownership entity; subdivision is not proposed. The project would develop Mountain View Avenue along the project frontage including half-width improvements consistent with the East Valley Corridor Specific Plan, and would include a northbound through lane, and a north to westbound turning lane at Coulston Street. The project frontage would also feature curb and sidewalk adjacent to the road. A landscaped area including a vegetated berm featuring groundcover, trees and a continuous screen shrub would be provided between the sidewalk and parking areas. The existing utility poles along Mountain View Avenue would remain. A 12-foot-wide public access bike trail would be developed adjacent to the project site west of the Mission Zanja flood control channel, separated from the developed area by proposed fencing and a screen wall. The northern end of the trail would extend the existing Orange Blossom Trail and connect to the existing southern endpoint of the East Valley Corridor Trail and would be maintained by the Redlands Conservancy.
2 documents in project