SCH Number 2021020220

Project Info

2555 W. 190th Street Industrial Warehouse Project
The proposed project consists of the demolition of an approximately 160,000 square-foot vacant office building and construction of one industrial warehouse building totaling 305,550 square feet on a 13.29-acre site. As proposed, the project will require a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of the industrial warehouse building; and a Division of Lot to consolidate three existing parcels into one to locate the property entirely on one parcel, resulting in a Floor Area Ratio that will not exceed 0.60. The project site is located within an urbanized environment with nearby industrial and commercial uses. The proposed site is located on the northeast corner of Crenshaw Place and 190th Street at 2555 W. 190th Street (APN:4090-021-032, 4090-021-033, 4090-021-034). The 13.29-acre rectangular-shaped lot is currently developed with an approximately 160,000 square-foot vacant two-story office building with landscaped parking areas and drive aisles. The project site is mostly unsecured with low-security wrought iron fencing and walls along portions of the perimeter and is bounded by various warehouse/light industrial buildings to the north and east, commercial and residential uses (across Crenshaw Boulevard) to the west, and a petroleum refinery to the south.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Torrance 2555 W. 190th Street Industrial Warehouse Project
City of Torrance 2555 W. 190th Street Industrial Warehouse Project