SCH Number 2021010137
Project Info
- Title
- DRH19-0014 Los Pinos Apartments
- Description
- The applicant proposes a 50-unit multifamily rental housing project on a 2.49-acre parcel, which is an allowed use in the R3 (High Density Residential) zoning district. Proposed onsite residential amenities include a community room and kitchen, a children's play area, and community garden. The applicant requests a 20 percent Density Bonus under State law, which requires at least five percent of the base units to be reserved for very low-income households (50 percent of area median income). The project will meet this requirement by providing three units affordable to very low-income households.
4 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Sonoma County | Grant of Easement to Los Pinos Apartments, LLC, for Storm Drain Improvements | |
NOD | Sonoma County | Los Pinos Apartments [California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2020-026-03 (ITP)] | |
NOD | Sonoma County | DRH19-0014 Los Pinos Apartments | |
MND | Sonoma County | DRH19-0014 Los Pinos Apartments |