SCH Number 2020120402

Project Info

Unit Y2 Wastewater Interceptor Rehabilitation Project
Proposed rehabilitation of the Unit Y2 Interceptor would include improving approximately 1,350 linear feet of the existing/historical access road between the Hill Canyon Treatment Plant (HCTP) and pipeline Station 14+50, improving the existing meter station near the HCTP headworks (inlet), installation of three new pressurized manholes (pipeline Stations 7+25, 13+48, 17+25), lining the two existing 18-inch diameter Techite parallel pipes with approximately 2,240 feet each of cured-in-place pipe (pipeline Station 1+40 to 23+65) and remove above-ground portions and abandon in place underground portions of four existing clean-out structures (pipeline Stations 5+30, 10+00, 15+50, 21+50).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Thousand Oaks Unit Y2 Wastewater Interceptor Rehabilitation Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS No. VEN-17725)
City of Thousand Oaks Unit Y2 Wastewater Interceptor Rehabilitation Project