SCH Number 2020120011

Project Info

Student Health & Counseling Center
The University of California, Riverside (UCR) proposes to construct an approximately 50-foot high, 50,000- gross-square-foot Student Health & Counseling Center (SHCC) with an ambulatory loading area, service loading area, stationary equipment (e.g., heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), landscape, restriping a portion of Parking Lot 21, and other associated site improvements. The proposed project would involve the removal of the existing asphalt, landscape, and parking spaces on the western portion of Parking Lot 21. The purpose of the proposed project is to create an identifiable and easily accessible facility that welcomes members of UCR’s diverse campus community, and conveys a commitment to quality care, innovation in technical, medical, and clinical services, student support and well-being. This facility aligns with the missions and values of the UCR campus, the Division of Student Affairs, Student Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Affairs Case Management, and The Well. The facility would support student retention and success through optimization of emotional and physical health, through direct service, promotion, prevention, education, student engagement, and provision of resources and referrals.
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University of California, Riverside Student Health & Counseling Center NOD
University of California, Riverside Student Health & Counseling Center