SCH Number 2020100594

Project Info

Andree Clark Bird Refuge Coastal Restoration
The project proposes to improve water quality and restore habitat for aquatic and avian wildlife through the replacement of the Andrée Clark Bird Refuge Lagoon weir and weir gate, removal of approximately 23 non-native trees, recontouring portions of the lagoon shoreline, recontouring the mouth of the lagoon on the beach side (adjacent to the volleyball courts), seasonal lowering of the sand berm at the mouth of the lagoon on the beach side, and installation of native plants and rock clusters along the margin of the lake, islands and mouth of the lagoon. Construction of a bio-retention basin would also occur at the Municipal Tennis Center property, located at 1414 Park Place.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Barbara Andree Clark Bird Refuge Restoration Project (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-SBA-25470-R5)
City of Santa Barbara Andree Clark Bird Refuge Coastal Restoration