SCH Number 2020080464

Project Info

Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement
The Proposed Project involves replacement of the two existing aboveground water storage tanks (0.25 million and 0.50 million gallon capacity, respectively) with two new 1 million-gallon aboveground water storage tanks on the adjacent parcel. The new aboveground covered tanks would be approximately 75 feet in diameter and 36 feet in height and constructed from welded steel plates. The new tanks will sit on concrete pads with a 13-foot gravel setback. The site will be surrounded by an 8-foot-tall perimeter chain link fence and will have two gated and paved entrance points (one existing and a new one at the northwest corner of the site). The project will also include placement of overflow vaults on the north/northwest side of the tanks, meter vaults just south of the tanks, and a fire hydrant near the southern property line. Once the new tanks are constructed and operational, the existing tanks will be demolished. Construction of the Proposed Project is anticipated to start early 2021 and take approximately 5 months to construct; however, due to statewide shutdowns due to COVD-19 it is possible that project construction could be delayed.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Amador Water Agency (AWA) Amador Water Agency – Tank A and B Replacement Project
Amador Water Agency (AWA) Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement