SCH Number 2020070509

Project Info

The Veranda at Indian Springs
Public draft Environmental Checklist, Initial Studay and Mitigated Negative Declaration for a project that includes the demolition of seven existing single-story structures onsite and the development of a 96-room hotel expansion, restaurant, ground floor retail, pools, public courtyard, parking and streetscape improvements to Lincoln Avenue and Fair Way Extension as well as construction of an Emergency Vehicle Access (EVA) road extending between Fair Way Extension and Magnolia Drive. Entitlements include a conditional use permit for the proposed hotel use and geothermal use, design review, and a development agreement.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Calistoga Veranda at Indian Springs
City of Calistoga The Veranda at Indian Springs
City of Calistoga The Veranda at Indian Springs
City of Calistoga The Veranda Hotel at Indian Springs
City of Calistoga The Veranda at Indian Springs