SCH Number 2020069001
Project Info
- Title
- Flume 30 Replacement Project
- Description
- The proposed project involves replacing 350 feet of wooden flume structure with reinforced air-placed concrete, canal bench improvements, improvements to Forest Service Road 10-08YE, and construction of a new segment of access road. The Project is approximately 350 feet long and consists of one ground-level and three elevated flume segments that transverse Bull Creek. The existing wooden flume and substructure would be demolished and disposed at an off-site disposal area, in accordance with applicable regulations. A new flume of precast concrete voided slab would be installed to span Bull Creek. The eastern abutment would not require additional improvements and could be used with only minor modification. The western abutment would be removed and rebuilt using a system similar to the eastern reinforced shotcrete facing and rock anchor tie backs to provide stability. Access to the project area would primarily rely on the use of existing roads. A new road of approximately 2,200 lineal feet would need to be constructed to allow access to the existing canal bench. Project construction is anticipated to take approximately 5 to 6 months. The project site is not identified on the lists specified in Government Code section 65962.5.
3 documents in project