SCH Number 2020060543

Project Info

Aerojet Waste Consolidation Project
Phase I AWCU: Construct, fill and close consistent with Title 27 requirements a Class II Landfill to be known as the Aerojet Waste Consolidation Unit (AWCU) on top of ±50-acres of the WRND within the existing Aerojet-owned ±250-acre WRND parcel. Dispose of up to 1,000,000 CYs of waste soil that meets the Class II waste requirements and inert construction debris (together referred to as Transfer Material) in the AWCU. Transfer Material would be generated from future remediation projects located within the proposed AWCU Service Area which comprises approximately 7500 acres of Aerojet access-controlled property. This would include accepting transfer Material from the Aerojet Landfill consistent with the approved Aerojet Landfill Clean Closure Plan. The Aerojet Landfill is an existing approximately 180-acre, non-operating, closed landfill owned by Aerojet located within the proposed AWCU Service Area approximately 2.3 miles north of the proposed WRND parcel. To facilitate the revised Aerojet Landfill disposal location, the Project also includes amending the 2015 County-approved Aerojet Landfill CCP to replace the identified offsite haul route with the Aerojet Landfill Haul Route identified in the initial study. Phase 2 WRND Cap and Closure: Cap and close the remainder of the existing pre-regulation ±100-acre WRND in accordance with Title 27 requirements (±50 acres plus any remaining portion of the ±50-acre AWCU area not filled with Transfer Material). Entitlements: The current ±250-acre WRND parcel, inclusive of the ±100-acre former dump is zoned M1, which does not include landfill activities. In order to bring the parcel into compliance with its current use and to construct the AWCU on the parcel, incorporation of the WRND parcel into the SPA is required. Therefore, Project entitlements include amending the Aerojet Special Planning Area (SPA) chapter of the Sacramento County zoning code to add the WRND parcel into the SPA “Industrial Zone.”
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Concurrence in the issuance of a New Solid Waste Facilities Permit
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Aerojet Waste Consolidation Project
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Aerojet Waste Consolidation Project