SCH Number 2020060534

Project Info

The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Specific Plan Project
The proposed project would establish The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Specific Plan (Specific Plan), which would establish the zoning and development standards to guide future development of single-family residential uses on approximately 9.19 acres of the 17.30-acre project site, and 3.39 acres of open space (including a 3.04-acre neighborhood public park). A 1.04-acre grading and landscape buffer would be located within the northern portion of the project site. In addition to the ministerial lot line adjustment required to consolidate the two lots that make up the project site into one and adjust the site’s northern boundary further to the north, the discretionary actions before the City include a proposed General Plan amendment to change the land use designation for the project site from Institutional to Specific Plan, and zone change to change the zoning of the project site from Institutional to Specific Plan. In addition, the proposed project includes dedication to the City of a 35-acre open space area, located on the hillside to the north of the project and the existing Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sierra Madre The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Specific Plan
City of Sierra Madre The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Specific Plan Tentative Map
City of Sierra Madre The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Specific Plan EIR
City of Sierra Madre The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Specific Plan Project
City of Sierra Madre Sunnyside Terrace