SCH Number 2020060092

Project Info

Corn Camp Groundwater Recharge Pond Project
The District proposed to construct a 50-acre recharge pond that would expose sand for percolation at 8 feet deep. Approximately 650,000 cubic yards of soil would be excavated and used to construct berms to contain the pond. Maximum recharge estimates, based on a full-year operation schedule, would average 24,500 AFY. Water from existing District sources would be delivered to the recharge pond via the existing Com Camp Canal and/or 7th Standard Pipeline. The District would also install a pump station and 30-foot-tall water storage tank.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Buena Vista Water Storage District Corn Camp Groundwater Recharge Pond Project
Buena Vista Water Storage District Corn Camp Groundwater Recharge Pond Project