SCH Number 2020050144

Project Info

Downtown Bellflower Transit Oriented Development Mixed Use Project MND
Note: Per Lead Agency, No State Agency Review - Local Review ONLY. The project is proposed on two parcels totaling 1.56 acres located at the south west corned or Bellflower Boulevard and Mayne Street: 1) Parcel A: Redevelopment of the existing vacant “Cosmopolitan Grocers” building with a new four (4) screen theater and retail commercial/restaurant land uses (14,000 SF), and 2) Parcel B: Construction of a five (5) story, mixed-use, 91-unit condominium development with at-grade parking. Both Parcels A and B will be constructed concurrently and will be permitted separately. Entitlement actions include: 1) Development Review, 2) Conditional Use Permit, 3) Vesting Tentative Tract Map, 4) Development Agreement, and 5) MND adoption.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Bellflower Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration No. MND 20-01 for the Downtown Bellflower Transit Oriented Development Mixed Use Project
City of Bellflower Downtown Bellflower Transit Oriented Development Mixed Use Project
City of Bellflower Downtown Bellflower Transit Oriented Development Mixed Use Project
City of Bellflower Downtown Bellflower Transit Oriented Development Mixed Use Project MND