SCH Number 2020040291

Project Info

Rosamond Switching Station Project
Under the proposed project, LADWP would construct a new 230 kilovolt (kV) switching station, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), and Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) Device. The proposed switching station (approximately 1,200 feet long and 800 feet wide) would include a control house with space necessary for operational control. The BESS (approximately 850 feet by 850 feet) is used to store excess energy during peak renewable energy production and to provide a fast energy delivery response to power shortages, brownouts, and enhance grid stability and reliability. The FACTS Device consists of a switchyard (approximately 189 feet long, 180 feet wide, and 58 feet in height) and a control house (approximately 35 feet long, 86 feet wide, and 13 feet in height). The FACTS Device would help regulate and control voltage to help improve power reliability and to meet power demand. Other project activities include installation of access roads throughout the facility, installation of a perimeter fence, and installation of new steel lattice transmission towers to direct the existing circuits in and out of the proposed switching station. The overall purpose of the project is to help meet broader goals towards increasing the use of sustainable renewable energy sources while decreasing the production of greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Rosamond Switching Station (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2024-032-04 (ITP))
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Rosamond Switching Station Project
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Rosamond Switching Station Project