SCH Number 2020029087

Project Info

The Village Santa Ana Specific Plan
The Village Santa Ana Specific Plan Project would provide for redevelopment of the approximately 17.2-acre site with a mix of residential and commercial uses. The Village is proposed as a mixed-use community that allows for vertical and horizontal mixed uses across the site. The proposed project would include mixed-use commercial and residential, residential only, and commercial only buildings. A central commercial area would include a variety of commercial uses, such as restaurants and neighborhood retail uses, with additional commercial uses extending through the ground floor of adjacent residential buildings. Stand-alone residential and mixed-use buildings would provide housing opportunities for residents in the City’s South Bristol Street Focus Area. In total, The Village would include approximately 1,583 residential units (encompassing approximately 1,850,000 square feet of building space), 80,000 square feet of retail space, 300,000 square feet of office space, and over 3.6 acres of open space. The residential-only buildings are anticipated to include a range of heights from 5 to 25 stories and the commercial-only buildings are anticipated to include a range of heights from 1 to 20 stories. The mixed-use commercial/residential buildings are anticipated to include a range of heights from 5 to 25 stories. The proposed Specific Plan includes a maximum height of 25 stories with a minimum of 1 story for commercial/office only buildings. No minimum height is included for residential or mixed use buildings. Parking would be provided in tower and podium buildings and underground building levels with up to four levels below grade. At full buildout, the project is anticipated to provide a minimum of 3.6 acres of publicly accessible open space and common areas. Public open spaces at The Village would consist of active spaces, outdoor seating, garden paseos, a fitness loop, recreational lawn, and the incorporation of architectural features. The project would also provide private open space amenities which would consist of outdoor balconies and patios, pools and spas, outdoor kitchens, and communal gathering spaces. The proposed project would also include roadway and streetscape modifications and improvements along Sunflower Avenue, Bear Street, and South Plaza Drive in addition to new access points throughout the project site. (Refer to Figure 2, Conceptual Land Use Plan.) Construction of the proposed project is anticipated to begin January 2026 and would be built out in phases, each with access, public facilities, and infrastructure connections. The Village would be developed in a series of five phases with full buildout occurring in approximately 20 years. Phase one is anticipated to include 360 residential units and 73,175 square feet of commercial space. Phases two and three would consist of further development of 513 and 177 residential dwelling units respectively. Phase four would include the development of approximately 264 residential dwellings units, 300,000 square feet of office space, and the remaining 6,825 square feet of commercial space. The final phase five would complete the project with 269 residential units. (Refer to Figure 3, Conceptual Phasing Plan.) The construction period would include demolition of the existing buildings, excavation, grading, trenching, installation of utilities, building construction, architectural coating, paving activities, and installation of landscaping and hardscape elements. Demolition of the existing site would primarily occur during Phase 1 (west of S. Plaza Drive) for approximately 3 months and Phase 4 (site east of S. Plaza Drive) for approximately 2 months. The maximum excavation would occur where up to four levels of subterranean parking is proposed during Phase 4, where excavations would reach approximately 52 feet below grade. Approximately 420,000 cubic yards of material would be excavated and hauled away from the project site. An estimated daily average of 150 and maximum of 300 construction workers would be employed.
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11 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Ana City of Santa Ana Short-Rental Prohibition Ordinance Project (OA No. 2024-04)
City of Santa Ana The Related Bristol Specific Plan Project
City of Santa Ana The Related Bristol Specific Plan Project
City of Santa Ana The Village Santa Ana Specific Plan
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City of Santa Ana Santa Ana General Plan Program Environmental Impact Report