SCH Number 2019109078

Project Info

Parcel Maps PPM 21-002 and PPM 21-027 (Smee Homes)
This Project consists of 72 multi-family residential units within lots 404 and 405 of previously approved TSM 19-003. Parcel Map PPM 21-002 proposes 40 units on four parcels on 2.92 acres and Parcel Map PPM 21-027 proposes 32 units on four parcels lot on 2.57 acres.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Tulare County Parcel Maps PPM 21-002 and PPM 21-027 (Smee Homes)
Tulare County Parcel Maps PPM 21-002 and PPM 21-027 (Smee Homes)
Tulare County Cross Creek Bend Subdivision (TSM 19-003 and PZV 19-018)
Tulare County Cross Creek Bend Subdivision (TSM 19-003 AND PZV 19-018)