SCH Number 2019100325

Project Info

Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the Integrated Pest Management Program
The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) proposes to implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program to comprehensively direct management of all pests on Authority open space preserves (preserves). Currently, the Authority implements manual, mechanical, and chemical treatments for vegetation and animal pest management near roads and trails, recreational facilities, structures, and sensitive habitats. The IPM Program would expand upon the types, frequency, and geographic extent of existing IPM activities conducted by the Authority. The IPM Program is intended to formalize guidelines and procedures for the careful management of pests throughout the Authority's preserves while protecting natural resources and public health. Under the IPM Program, the Authority would increase the number of manual, mechanical, and chemical treatment projects occurring simultaneously.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Notice of Determination for the Integrated Pest Management Program
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the Integrated Pest Management Program
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Integrated Pest Management Program