SCH Number 2019079091
Project Info
- Title
- Hartley Street Pedestrian Improvement Project
- Description
- Under the project, an approximately 2,800-foot-long portion of Hartley Street (CR #408), a two-lane collector street, would be widened to provide two 12-foot travel lanes, one in each direction. Additionally, as part of the project, continuous sidewalks would be installed along the same portion of Hartley Street, along the west side. Existing portions of sidewalk along Hartley Street would remain; however, noncompliant ramps would be replaced to meet ADA standards. The concrete gutter along the west side of Hartley Street would be included in the 12-foot lane width of the southerly travel lane. An approximately 200-foot-long span of Hartley Street, within the very northern portion of the Site, would be repaved only. Due to the area's steep hillsides and current inadequate width for sidewalk and roadway, retaining walls and/or structures would be required as part of the project. Furthermore. ancillary work associated with the project would involve installation of safety fencing to protect and prevent In addition to the proposed improvements, existing power poles and fire hydrants and relief valves may need to be relocated behind the new continuous sidewalk. New storm drain inlets and improvements to existing culverts may also be required. due to the anticipated change in drainage patterns associated with the sidewalk, curb, and gutter installation and roadway widening. An ADA-compliant accessible ramp down to Clear Lake High School. adjacent to the existing crosswalk and concrete stairs along the east side of Hartley Street at Anastasia Drive, would also be installed.
2 documents in project