SCH Number 2019070252
Project Info
- Title
- 555 West Middlefield Road Project
- Description
- The Project is an infill development involving redevelopment of an approximately 14.5 acre site. The site is currently occupied by 402 multi-family residential rental units within 15 buildings, along with a leasing office, amenity building, common areas, and related improvements. Associated surface parking and common open space areas are located throughout the site. The Project request includes: 1) a General Plan map and text amendment permit to revise the existing High-Density Residential designation in the General Plan and add a new High-Low Residential designation applicable to this site; 2) a Development Review permit and a Planned Community permit to allow demolition of most of the existing surface parking areas, existing leasing office and amenity space to construct 323 new multi-family residential units in three buildings with two below-grade parking garages; and a fourth building with below-grade parking and outdoor amenities to replace the existing leasing office and amenity building, pool, and spa; 3) a Heritage Tree Removal permit to remove 62 heritage trees; and 4) a Vesting Tentative Map permit for condominium purposes to subdivide the existing lot into three lots with 111 condominium units. This includes a 1.34-acre parcel along Cypress Point Drive which would be created and offered to the City for use as a future park.
4 documents in project