SCH Number 2019069020

Project Info

220 North Quince Street Senior Housing Project
The project proposes to demolish the existing warehouse/maintenance buildings and construct a five-story, affordable senior housing development with ground-floor parking and four stories of residences within an approximately 1.47 net acre site. The residential building would include 145 dwelling units at a density of 98.3 units/net acre and 142 parking spaces. Construction would begin in 2020 and would include site preparation, demolition, grading, installation of underground infrastructure and utilities, construction of structures, paving of the site, and architectural coating. The project proposes an amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan to remove the requirement for ground-floor retail or office uses and change the open space requirement for senior housing projects. (Refer to Summary Form for Electronic Document Submittal for additional details.)
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Escondido Quince Street Senior Housing Project - PHG 17-0028, ENV 17-0008
City of Escondido 220 North Quince Street Senior Housing Project