SCH Number 2019058348
Project Info
- Title
- Aztec Recreation Center Expansion/Renovation Project
- Description
- SDSU proposes to renovate, and expand by approximately 68,000 gross square feet, the existing Aztec Recreation Center. With the expansion, the Aztec Recreation Center would be two stories in height and total 142,000 gross square feet. The purpose is to improve and expand student recreation and fitness facilities on campus; the expanded facility would include additional indoor sports court space, enhanced food service and meeting spaces, and expanded locker room facilities. The renovation and expansion would be constructed on the site of the existing Aztec Recreation Center. See Memorandum in Support of Notice of Exemption and related technical memoranda prepared by Dudek and Linscott Law & Greenspan (LLG), on file with SDSU Office of Facilities Planning, Design and Construction, for additional information regarding the project description.
1 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOE | California State University, San Diego (SDSU) | Aztec Recreation Center Expansion/Renovation Project |