SCH Number 2019049058

Project Info

CAL FIRE Potrero Station (#31) Relocation Project
The Proposed Project would involve the relocation and replacement of the existing CAL FIRE Station located at 25130 CA-94, Potrero, California. The project involves design and construction of a new fire station and accompanying facilities. The facility would Include a mess hall, 12 bed barracks, a three-bay apparatus building, and a pump storage building with a generator. Appurtenance facilities to be constructed on the new project site Include a fuel dispensing system, fuel vault, vehicle wash rack, and a flammable material storage building. The Proposed Project would also include o n-site improvements such as grading, drainage, paving, walkways, curbs, roads, well drilling and domestic water system with tank storage, septic system, electrical, telephone, Irrigation, lighting, fencing, and landscaping. The Proposed Project would include site preparation, utility extensions and connections, water well, pipelines and 10,000-gallon domestic water storage tank, a 50,000-gallon fire/water Irrigation storage tank, septic system, above-ground vehicle fuel storage, propane tanks and lines, sustainable design onsite storm water management features and solar photovoltaic panels, security fencing, and all necessary appurtenances including driveways and interior roads. An overflow parking area is proposed in the southeastern corner of the complex to accommodate increased staff and equipment during a major fire event.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Potrero Fire Station Relocation Project
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) CAL FIRE Potrero Station (#31) Relocation Project