SCH Number 2018112058

Project Info

Oak Park Properties Specific Plan
The Specific Plan contemplates two development projects (the Civic Project and the Residential Project) within the Specific Plan area (plan area) boundaries. The Civic Project includes construction of library facilities, a park, vehicular parking, roadway improvements, the creation of a new floodplain system with water detention basins, upgrading three existing outfalls to Grayson Creek, and the creation of a new pedestrian trail immediately west of the Grayson Creek Corridor. The Residential Project includes demolition of the vacant administrative offices, the County library building; the paved parking lot, trees, and landscaping for development of 34 single family dwelling units and 7 ADUs as well as a new pocket park.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pleasant Hill Oak Park Properties Specific Plan Addendum
City of Pleasant Hill Grayson Creek Outfalls Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0358-R3)
City of Pleasant Hill Oak Park Properties Specific Plan
City of Pleasant Hill Oak Park Properties Specific Plan
City of Pleasant Hill Oak Park/Monticello Site Program Area