SCH Number 2018101018

Project Info

PG&E Gas Pipeline 306 Vegetation Management Project Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit
Request by PG&E for a minor use/coastal development permit to allow PG&E to perform vegetation maintenance (e.g., removing trees and brush) within PG&E's existing ROW in three areas that contain high-pressure natural gas transmission pipelines. Vegetation management is proposed to improve emergency access and for safety concerns. PG&E proposes to remove woody vegetation within 5 ft of the outer edge of gas pipeline 306 and remove trees out to 14 ft at 3 sites: RW-V-518-13N, RW-V-523-13, and RW-V-518-13S. All herbaceous vegetation within the sites would be retained. Approx 36 trees and 38 brush units (one brush unit equals 264.20 cubic ft, for a total of approx 10,000 cubic feet of brush) of mixed species would be removed from three waterways, and approximately four willow trees would be pruned. The project sites are within the Agriculture land use category.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Gas Transmission Pipeline 306 Vegetation Maintenance (RM-V-523-13) Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0173-R4)
San Luis Obispo County PG&E Vegetation Management Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit; DRC2016-00135
San Luis Obispo County PG&E Gas Pipeline 306 Vegetation Management Project Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit