SCH Number 2018072068

Project Info

Mission Point Project
The Project would involve demolition of the existing office buildings and establishment of a new mixed-use neighborhood that provides a diverse and complementary mix of uses. The Project would include up to 4,915,000 gross square feet (gsf) of new development, including up to 2,600 housing units approximately; 2,211,000 gsf of office/R&D space; approximately 100,000 gsf of neighborhood retail uses; and approximately 10,000 gsf of childcare facilities, along with 3,000 gsf of community space. The Project would also provide affordable housing in compliance with the City’s Inclusionary Housing Policy requirements. Parking would be provided in subsurface and above ground parking facilities. In addition, the Project would include up to 24 acres of publicly accessible open space and up to 13 acres of private open space/sustainability zones throughout the Project site, subject to final design.
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7 documents in project

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