SCH Number 2018071024

Project Info

Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Project and Mitigation Reserve Program
Valley District proposes to construct and maintain four tributary restoration sites: Anza Creek, Old Ranch Creek, Lower Hole Creek, and Hidden Valley Creek. The sites would be designed to provide improved habitat for the Santa Ana sucker and improve conditions of jurisdictional aquatic resources. The main restoration efforts at the sites would include restoration and enhancement of existing channels, creation of new channels, restoration of an existing floodplain tributary, enhancements to existing riparian and floodplain habitats, limiting of human disturbance, and control of nonnative invasive species. The protection of these resources also provides recreational opportunities for the public, such as hiking, fishing of predatory fish, and wildlife viewing. The proposed project also includes a Mitigation Reserve Program with two phases.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Hidden Valley Creek Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0035-R6).
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Anza Creek Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0034-R6)
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Project and Mitigation Reserve Program
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Project and Mitigation Reserve Program
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Project and Mitigation Reserve Program
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Upper Santa Ana River Tributaries Restoration Project