SCH Number 2018062009

Project Info

Del Rio Trail Project
The City proposes to construct 4.8 miles of Class 1 multi-use trial along the abandoned railway corridor west of Freeport Blvd. from south of Meadowview Rd/Pocket Rd. to the Sacramento River Parkway north of Sutterville Rd. The proposed Del Rio Trail Project consists of a Class I multi-use trail (12 to 16 feet of pavement with unpaved shoulders ranging from 2 to 3 feet) and when feasible, an adjacent 5 to 6 foot wide unpaved walking trail. The Del Rio Trail would include at-grade crossings and intersection modifications at each location where the trail intersects a vehicular roadway.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sacramento Permit No. 19567: Del Rio Trail Project
City of Sacramento Del Rio Trail
City of Sacramento Del Rio Trail Project
City of Sacramento Del Rio Trail Project
City of Sacramento Del Rio Trail Project