SCH Number 2018052073
Project Info
- Title
- Use Permit Application No. 2018-0043 - Couco Creek Dairy, Inc
- Description
- Request to expand an existing dairy facility, operating on five parcels (totaling 421+/- acres), in order to house heifers on-site. Applicant requests to increase support stock from 250 medium and 250 small heifers to 750 large heifers, 1,000 medium heifers, and 500 small heifers. Cow numbers are to remain at 3,050 combined milk and dry cows. The request also includes the construction of three free-stall shade barns totaling 176,550 sf over existing corrals. The central dairy operation is located in the A-2-40 (General ag) zoning district at 3303 South Washington Rd, on the southwest corner of West Harding Rd and South Washington Rd, in the Turlock area.
2 documents in project