SCH Number 2018051040
Project Info
- Title
- Prospect Estates II
- Description
- This is a recirculation of a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearing House Number 2018051040) originally circulated in May 2018. The project has been redesigned to conform to the City of Santee General Plan/ Zoning and in response to comments received during the initial MND review period. The project is a residential subdivision consisting of 38 attached condominiums and 15 detached single-family dwelling units located on a 6.83-acre development site that is approximately 0.15 mile south of State Route 52 (SR-52) and 0.3 mile west of State Route 125 (SR-125). The project site fronts Prospect Avenue and unimproved portions of Marrokal Lane. The southerly parcel is vacant while the northerly parcel is developed with a single-family home and accessory buildings. S.D. County Assessor Parcel Numbers: 383-112-32-00 and 383-112-55-00. The project applications include a Tentative Map application (TM2016-3), a Development Review Permit (DR2016-4 and an Application for an Environmental Initial Study (AEIS2016-8). Thirty eight (38) multi-family units are proposed on the 3.34-acre northerly parcel (APN: 383-112-32-00). This parcel is zoned and has a General Plan Land use designation of Medium Density Residential (R-7) and has an allowable density of 7 to 14 dwellings units per acre. The southern 3.48-acre site (APN: 383-112-55-00) contains 15 single-family units with a density of 4.3 units per acre.
2 documents in project